16: A mighty portrait of a field marshal

A modern footbridge enables visitors with walking difficulties to reach the rear part of the building barrier-free, but at the same time forms a perfect grandstand for the view of the largest and most important family portrait in this palace.

Painted by Franz Krüger, the Russian field marshal is portrayed here as a celebrated hero. And rightly so: he was known as the saviour of Saint Petersburg and was the commander-in-chief of the Russian and Prussian Allied armies for a period in 1813. Ludwig Adolf Peter Count of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg in Ludwigsburg and Carlsburg, his full name, quickly made a career in the Russian army and gained great fame in the wars of liberation against Napoleon. The Prussian King elevated him to the rank of prince out of gratitude for the liberation of Prussia. Tsar Nicholas appointed him field marshal.